Two Main Reasons WHY Your Child Might Navigate Stairs UNSAFELY

I was inspired to write about navigating stairs after one of my recent marathon runs but specifically my one in Corning, NY. The day after my 26.2 miles, I decided it would be a great idea to hike…😃 So…that’s where this leads me. I was sore, my muscles didn’t want to work properly and I…
Breakthrough Eats: Lasagna Rollups

Cheesy Veggie Lasagna Rollups Veggies, veggies, veggies! Personally, I love ‘em, but I know that not everyone does…especially kids. I’ve heard from so many parents that fitting vegetables into their kids’ diet can be a daunting task. So how do you do it? Hide them? Slather them in butter and cheese to make them more…
Melissa’s Journey

Melissa is one of our clients here at Breakthrough. She is an amazing, determined, and motivated woman who has inspired us since the day we met her. She wanted to share her story here and we thought you may find it inspiring too! We thank Melissa for her contribution and for sharing her unique point…
Yummy Crockpot Chicken Tacos

We’re officially in the Fall season and although we’ve only had a few days of cooler weather, I am ready to trade my grill in for the crockpot! When I get home from a long work day, I have no motivation to start cooking a meal, which is why I love crockpot meals. They’re super…
Resources for Adaptive Clothing AND Shoes!

I’ve been talking with some parents who needs new shoes for their child to fit with the good ‘ol clunky and wide AFOs. Are you also one of those parents that have trouble finding shoes? Well, I recently sent a few of my families over to this site: >>Nike Fly Ease<< BEFORE you click… here’s what…
What Did You Say? Body Awareness

What is body awareness? I have this discussion all of the time with parents…especially in evaluations when describing observed movement patterns and mobility in the environment. I was recently describing what this term meant to a parent after noticing her hypotonic/“low tone” daughter was stumbling when trying to walk around and navigate the gym environment.…
Yoga For Neurologic Conditions

So I am pretty certain that you reading this knows what yoga is, or you have a pretty general idea. And no, putting on a pair of yoga pants doesn’t mean “you do yoga”…if that was the case, I would have been doing yoga every single day for a veryyyyy long time. It’s what many…
Benefits of Early Mobility and Repetition

Let’s think about this. We all know the phrase, “If you don’t use it, you lose it”, right? Well, same goes for developing skills and muscles. Not that you lose it, but if you don’t get the opportunity to gain skills necessary for functional movement, it will be way harder to achieve those skills. If…
Quick Tips For Traveling With A Disability

Traveling with a disability can be very difficult. In fact, finding ADA compliant hotels, restaurants, sidewalks, buses, beaches, planes, pools, or anything else can be a full-time job! But, do not fret, it is possible with some planning and a couple of tips. So before you go booking something this summer here are some things…
What It Means To Have A “Weak Core”

Parents of children with movement difficulties – no matter the diagnosis – are often told by doctors, therapists, and other health professionals that their child has “a weak core”. Okay so they can’t do a sit up or they have weak abdominals…but that’s not really all that goes into a “weak core” or poor posture.…